Rishelievska St, 59, Odessa
Rishelievska St, 59, Odessa
Responsible attitude to the game process is one of the priorities of the organizer.
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The gaming organizer in the "WINBOSS" Slot Hall in the hotel "Black Sea", which is located: 59 Rishelievskaya, Odessa, takes all necessary measures to create conditions must correspond to responsible gaming in order to prevent and minimize the negative consequences of an individual's participation in gaming, as well as measures aimed at organizing self-restraint and self-control for players.
Responsible attitude to the game process is one of the priorities of the Organizer.
The organizer will pay maximum attention to protecting over-gaming users from their passion, in order to minimize the negative impact of gaming and takes all necessary measures to exclude the possibility of minors participating in gaming, in such ways, in particular:
- Ensuring identification of the player (players) when carrying out activities in the Slot Hall;
- The Organizer will not admit to participation in the Slot Hall for those who have access to participation in gambling games, and for those that have a lot of deposits (problem gambling);
- The Organizer will not provide players with any bonus payments, gifts and / or providing goods (services) in any form in the Slot Machine Hall, using other types of incentives, the provision of which is directly or indirectly conditioned by the occurrence of the fact of the player losing in the relevant gambling game;
Responsible gaming in the Slot Hall requires the following rules:
- Gaming in the Slot Hall should be treated as entertainment, not as a way to make money. Participation in the game is not an alternative to work and is not a way to overcome financial difficulties;
- The participant in the game must be prepared to lose and get it as part of the game;
- The participant in the game must understand that the funds that are lost should be treated as the “value” of their entertainment, and the funds won - as a “bonus” for such entertainment;
- The participant of the game must independently set for himself the size of the maximum amount of funds he can spend gaming without negative consequences for himself and adhere to this rule;
- The participant of the game must understand that he should not try to recoup his funds spent on participation in the game, since there may be a significant probability that the more he tries to recover his expenses for the game by winning the game, the greater the amount of costs will be, in other words: attempts to recover losses incurred during the game can lead to even greater monetary costs.
- The participant of the game must independently set and adhere to the gaming time limits, interrupting the game at the specified time, regardless of whether he wins or not; 1.4.8. The participant of the game must understand that it is necessary to systematically pause the game;
- The participant of the game must be aware that his life should have a certain balance, in which the game should not interfere and replace friends, family, work, sports;
- The participant of the game must understand that it is impossible to see participation in the game as a means of dealing with moral or physical pain, since participation in the game with a purpose other than just entertainment is fraught with additional psychological and material problems:
- The participant of the game must be aware that it is not worth playing in the slot machine hall in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication, or while under the influence of drugs.
- The participant of the game must understand that it is not worth playing in the Slot Hall while being in a depressed state, but it is acceptable to do that in a good mood and well rested.
- The organizer informs the participant that in accordance to the legislation of Ukraine, only adults can participate in the game. In case of doubt about the age, the Slot Hall responsible person has the right to request a document proving his identity and age from the participant. In case of refusal to present a document proving the identity and age of the participant in the game, or by the reason of absence of such, the person in charge will refuse to accept any bet from him.
- The participant of the game should be aware that as soon as playing in the Organizer's Slot Hall which is to be entertainment, starts to develop into mania and / or addiction, he should abandon the game and immediately turn to professionals in the relevant field.
- The organizer does not hide the game statistics from the players and allows clients to track how much time they spend gambling and how much they spend.
- The regulator, in order to control the player's expenses: sets bet limits, allows clients to set the maximum amount that they can spend during one visit or for a certain period of time.
The organizer understands that among the participants in the game, there is a small percentage of participants who are addicted to gaming.
The organizer assures that he takes the problem of gambling addiction as a seriously as possible.
The organizer assures that as soon as any participant (participants) of the game receives a corresponding request to protect him (them) from gambling, the corresponding account of such participant (participants) of the game is immediately blocked, so that such participant is not allowed to playing in the Slot Hall for a certain period of time, so that it is included in the list of persons who are prohibited from visiting land-based gaming clubs, as well as, possibly partial restriction at the request of the client, by setting limits on bets.
Restrictions on a person's participation in gambling by entering into the Registry of persons who have limited access to gaming and / or participation in gaming is carried out:
- Independently at the request of a person by personal presentation to the organizer of gambling or the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (01001, Kiev, Boris Grinchenko St., 3, toll-free "hot line" - 0800-50-13-77, information service phone : (044) 234-02-24) a written statement (statement of self-restraint) with the simultaneous presentation of an identity document;
- The Commission for the Regulation of Gaming and Lotteries upon a reasoned application by family members of the first degree of relationship or legal representatives (application for restriction) for a period of up to six months in the manner specified in this article;
- By the tribunal's decision.
An individual can independently restrict himself / herself from visiting gambling establishments and participating in gambling for a period of six months to three years by personally submitting to the organizer of gambling or the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries a written statement (statement of self-restraint) with the simultaneous presentation of a document, proving identity.
The application can be submitted in written or electronic form in compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "For Electronic Fiduciary Services".
Self-restraint application forms are posted in a place accessible to players and visitors in each gambling establishment, and are also posted on the website of the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries at https://gc.gov.ua.
Submission of an application to any organizer of gambling or the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries shall be considered as submission of an application to all organizers of gambling on the territory of Ukraine who have received the appropriate licenses.
In its activities, the organizer of gambling is obliged to take measures to prevent persons under 21 year from entering gaming entities and participating in gaming and persons with restrictions under this Law.
The organizer assures that he is taking all measures provided by the current legislation of Ukraine to prevent the admission of minors to gambling in the slot machine hall. In connection with this one, before starting to play, the user goes through the identification procedure, by providing the responsible person on behalf of the Organizer with their official documents indicating the name and surname, date of birth, place of residence and other information.
The actions of the Organizer are aimed at preventing those under age 21 from participating in any kind of gaming in the Slot Hall by obligatory identification of all players by the responsible person on behalf of the Organizer.
- If the player's actions indicate signs of gambling addiction, the organizer of gaming in the "WINBOSS" Slot Hall, in the "Black Sea" hotel, which is located: 59 Richelievskaya street, Odessa, strongly recommends that players seek for advice or help from entities where they can be consulted, in particular, but not limited to the following ones: - "Doctor Blago Plus" Narcological clinic, located: Odessa, 2a / 7. D. Donskoy street, tel: +38 (048) 702-34-24, +38 (097) 242-29-22, at the link: https://doctorblago.com.ua/, Email: yurgen2407@gmail.com; - "New Life" Clinic located: 19 Kuchmin Yar street, Kiev/ 11 Knyazhii Zaton,/ 18 Ivana Franko, Hora, Boryspil district, Kiev, phones: +38 (044) 361-43-80, +38 (099) 307-89-00; by the link: https://nc-newlife.com/, E-mail: info@nc-newlife.com; - Odessa Regional Medical Center for Mental Health Communal institution, located: 9 Academician Vorobyov, Odessa, Odessa region, phone: +38 (048) 750 4645 - directly to the Gaming and Lottery Regulatory Commission; location: 3 Boris Grinchenko, Kyiv, free "hot line" - 0800-50-13-77, information service phone: (044) 234-02-24).